keep sell donate tossIt’s the blessing and the curse of being a typical American: too much stuff. For those of us developing anxieties over the sheer amount of junk we own for no good reason, clever apps are popping up left and right to help us shed those non-essentials and simplify our lives. Here at Moveline, we’ve helped plenty of folks move from one home to another — some a ZIP code away, and some a few time zones — and one of the common threads uniting all of them is the realization that not everything needs to go to the new place.For those wanting to thin out their closets a bit, we have some suggestions to avoid being one of the average households who throw out 68 pounds (68 pounds!) of clothing a year.

Ways to donate clothes

Everyone’s familiar with organizations like Goodwill and the Salvation Army, but for those who want to make a little cash in exchange for the parts of their wardrobes they’re getting rid of, national consignment chains like Plato’s ClosetBuffalo ExchangeNational Designer ConsignmentTwiceThredUp and Swap (that last one’s for kiddos only) will give you money for select items of clothing. And if you want to keep your efforts truly selfless, consider turning around and giving the dough to a charity or cause of your choice.

Simplify in style

For those high-end fashionistas who want to take their time and have a bit of fun with the process of giving away never-worn items and pieces that just don’t work anymore, Bib&Tuck offers an exclusive online community of style-minded mavens with a penchant for vintage and re-sourced clothing. Particularly of interest to Instagram-happy, visually-driven women who like photographing clothing, the site offers a creative outlet and bartering platform — you can trade that dress for this jacket simply by accruing online currency and applying it to other members’ items up for grabs. Careful, though — you may end up with more stuff than you gave away in the first place. If true simplification is really your goal, read on for more minimalist-friendly suggestions.

Make it social & do some good

Got friends with equally overflowing closets and guilty consciences? Arrange a clothing swap. Pick a date and time (Sunday afternoons are a popular choice), ask guests to bring a refreshment to share and a heap of clothing they no longer want, and once they arrive, separate the merchandise into relative sections — dresses and suits on the couch, tees and jeans on the kitchen table, shoes lined up down the hallway, et al — and then, let the “shopping” begin. It’s a perfect excuse to get together with folks you don’t see often enough and get organized in the process. Need a little guidance on how to pull it all off? Look no further than Real Simple for quick tips.

And here comes the guilt-free part: once the party’s over, carefully bag up those leftover items and take them to a local homeless shelter or an organization providing safe housing for victims of domestic abuse.

Get crafty

For the truly eco-friendly and inventive, creative reuse projects can become something of an obsession. Plenty of tutorials exist on sites like Instructables and Pinterest when it comes to making a rug from old t-shirts, reupholstering pieces of furniture with used clothing, and countless other ways to breathe new life into old threads. The options are as limitless as your imagination (and, perhaps, your patience). Really, you’re just a few quick web searches away from making the phrase “everything old is new again” a reality.

Get moving

If you’re cleaning out your closet — or any other rooms in your home — to prepare for a move, browse the Moveline blog for other ways to get ready for moving day and let a Move Captain help you get organized, get inventoried, get fair pricing, and get through your move without all the usual hassles. The best part: it’s free. So check out the Moveline homepage today and get moving.